V.A.T. is a form of indirect taxation that is added to almost every transaction; it is a tax that is imposed on the added value, and is one of the State of Israel’s main tax laws, because it is such a central tax that allows businesses to make their own assessments and to offset the tax that they paid against the tax that they owe and to transfer the balance, or to receive a refund from the Tax Authority. This situation allows V.A.T. offenses to be committed, and indeed V.A.T. offenses are comparatively common. There are two main types of
Income Tax
Income tax is a direct tax imposed on the income of an individual or a corporation; the tax laws permit the deduction, from the income, of the expenses paid for the creation of that income, so that, in practice, the tax is imposed on the profit; other than deduction of the permitted expenses, there are situations when it is possible to offset losses from previous years, and there are also exemptions that may be realized. Income tax offenses are divided into two principal types, as far as the severity of the potential punishment is concerned; it is made clear that,
Import taxes
In the field of import taxes (customs duties, purchase tax and excise tax) and international trade processes, the firm assists its clients, in the civil and criminal sectors, with tax rates, refunds, exemptions and returns; the firm grants its clients counseling and assistance in all matters concerned with the import of goods, including personal import. The firm counsels oil companies and entities entitled to exemptions or refunds, in matters of excise duty, and, also, assistance in implementing the provisions of the Oil Law and the Diesel Arrangement. The firm deals in and provides continuous service in the following matters: Assistance